lördag 9 mars 2013

MEU mingel!


(Kort uppdatering på svenska:)

Ronja Roms presenterar sitt arbete som ungdomssekreterare i Pargas kommun

I dag har Noving minglatMEU r.f., vår ämnesförening, ordnade nämligen ett tillfälle för alla team och  alumner att presentera sig själv och lära känna varandra - ett s.k. Meumingel. Konceptet är helt nytt och ordnades för första gången denna förmiddag. Resultatet var lyckat och för mig var det verkligen givande och inspirerande att höra om vilken mångfald av möjligheter som väntar oss ute i arbetslivet!  Ungdomssekreterare i Pargas, pedagogisk handledare i Folkhälsans eftisverksamhet, projektarbetare i diverse olika projekt och en som arbetar på barnhem - våra alumner har alla valt sin egen väg och är praktexempel på hur bred arbetsbild en samhällspedagog har. I slutändan handlar det bara om att målmedvetet plöja sig fram och varje dag bevisa för arbetsmarknaden att det är just en samhällspedagog de behöver, med alla de kompetenser som gör just oss unika. 

Julle och Ninnu presenterar Noving! <3
Noving önskar er alla ett skönt veckoslut! Ta det lugnt, samla krafter och var beredda på att få höra om en fartfylld kommande vecka i Pargas!



fredag 8 mars 2013

What brought us this week

Hello everyone,

My name is Veronika and I´m from Czech Republic. I am an exchange student in Novia, University of Applied Sciences. .
I study Social education and Leisure at Masaryk University in Brno. So the content of the study is very similar study of Noving team.

Why I decided to come to Finland?
At first it was a rash decision. I never liked winter, snow and frost. But I wanted to try something new and Finland for me was something absolutely unknown. So I said to myself, why not exactly Finland? And now, I am here :)

Of course, I did not expect that I would love to be here so much. But it happened. And I'm really grateful for this opportunity to be here. With a clear conscience I can say that this study program is one of my most beautiful moments in my life.

Speaking about the study
This week I was honored to be a Week Manger.
So now it is my duty as well as reward briefly inform you about the events of this week.

On Monday we started a new topic Integration, Refugees and Immigration. 
During the training, we had a very interesting and productive discussion.

On Tuesday we continued...... Ida from the Spark team has prepared for us really interesting workshop on the topic refugees and immigrants. 

Thursday morning we started with a visitor from the Åbo Akademi.
Steve has prepared for us workshop on the topic refugee law and International humanitarian law.
On this link you can look into the issue, which we have been involved with.

During the whole week we had a lot of meetings for our projects and did a lot of work. Thus, we are on a very good way to realize these projects and I am very proud of our team.

I think this week can be considered very successful and beneficial for all of us.
So...... have a nice weekend :)

Sincerely and with smile, 
your Veronika 

torsdag 7 mars 2013

International project in Inkoo

I'm giving you a short description about the project that's going to take place between 6-8.9.2013.

Nordic countries including Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark have so called twin towns with Inkoo and every year this event takes place in a different country.

What is the event then?
 Each twin town gets to design an over-weekend event where youngsters between 13-18 years old can participate in all the different activities the twin town has to offer.

What's my job in all this?
I was selected project leader for the whole project by the group of people representing Inkoo town. We are totally a group of five people that work on this project, all the others come from Inkoo town and I as a student from Novia.

 Inkoo harbour

At the moment we have four different packages from where the youngsters can select which event they most wan't to participate in. The packages are; shooting (paintball, air rifle) excercise (all kinds), adrenaline (containing rally etc) and a field day (fishing, survival type of thing). 

We have a meeting again tomorrow and hopefully we have confirmed more volunteers to help out during the weekend.

Over and out,

tisdag 5 mars 2013

A new world- a better world?

The opprtunity of a lifetime: pick whatever- and whoever you want to take with you, and create a continent of your own. You dont have to pay any attention of the old laws and rules.

In the new society I created, everyone's equal, no matter where you're from, what your ethnic background is. Water and air is clean. School is optional and learning happens by creating and innovating. Theres no money as a payment; instead we exchange food, clothes, books and other items. We grow our own food and can marry (IF it even excists a instituion of marriage) who ever we want. Only ones actions towards others have a meaning in defining wether you are a good person or not.      

Well, as you may allready have quessed, this is a hypotethical scene. Actually, it is a method out of a workshop that had refuge and human rights as a subject.
The idea behind it is to better understand, what goes on in peoples minds when they have to leave their homes and homecountries.
It is, in fact, something that we western people have a hard time imgeining at all. And on the other hand, that's just what we should be able to do in order to help others in need.
During this method excercise, we had the opportunity to choose the ten most important things we want to take with us. And that we did: we chose Coke and Hamburgers instead of democracy, warm clothes instead socialworkers. In a real situation, those we chose are not even options.

We are so used to comfortability, stability, peace and equality that I'm afraid we've lost a big part of  our empathy scills. How can we see the violations of human rights if all we have here is opporunities?

We, in the western countries are NOT responsible of other peoples crimes and violations, but we ARE responsible to take care of eachother. In fact i think that the right to solidarity and being helped when your in need, should be added to the UN convention human rights.

We talk a lot of marginalisation here in Finland allso. By opening our eyes first here in our own country, we could allso create a new kind of inner caring ability and willingnes.
Then maybe, just maybe, we did'nt have to create a whole new continent, but instead make this world a better one for all of us with small steps. Starting from You.

So why wait until tomorrow? Open your eyes today, and see that the grass seems no greener on the other side if you take care of your own.

With solidarity and optimism, Ninnu