måndag 25 mars 2013


NO!  I'm not talking about an actual war with soldiers, guns and so on. I'm talking about the international event called "Week Against Racism". That week took place last week, week 12, and team Noving had been planning an eventful week to spread the word about this week and what it is all about.

We had the first project on Tuesday the 19th and that was an adventure with Human Rights as content and the Haavi boardmembers and laidies from Daisy Laidies as participants. The adventure took place in the forest in Ruissalo right outside the centre of Turku. The participants were divided into two groups and the groups were supposed to gather fifteen Human Rights each and give them to the Queen of the Forest. The tricky thing here was that there were bad people running around in the forest and these could come and take one or two Rights from the participants. All the Rights all came back in to safe hands of the Queen and the peace in the Forest was restored.
The praticipants liked the idea of participating in an adventure and they all went home with big smiles on their faces.

On Wednesday four people went to the swedishspeaking high school in Turku to educate second year students about racism through times. There was a brainstorming about what racism is and then there was a discussion about how racism have been seen through times. There was also a discussion about culture and religion, how these two can either create racism or how it can solve racismproblems around the world.
A valueexercise is always a good way to get the praticipants involved and a good way to get a discussion going. There were alot of different opinions and great discussions and we all would have liked to have more time to discuss about many topics.
The students said that this was very eye-opening and a good reminder for them.

Right after the high school-project half of our team went by bus to Dalsbruk to participate as volunteers in a project called "On the Run". This method is invented by the Red Cross and it is a 24 hour roleplay. The participants in this roleplay are refugees and they are under these 24 hours living the life that all the refugees in the world are living on a daily basis.
On Wednesday evening we participated in an education for all the volunteers who will take place in the roleplay. There was alot of information in a short while and we went to sleep on madresses on the schoolfloor with our brains struggling with itself because of all the info.
When we were in Dalsbruk the roleplay was only (!!) 12 hours because the participants were too young to handle the 24 hour-version.
The participants were running around in the forest, filling out papers that they maybe didn't understand, came to a countryboarder where the guards were not so nice and so on.
We, the members of team Noving, was playing roles like guards, pathleaders, hunters so we didn't have to live the life of refugees but we got to know alot about the process and the daily life of refugees around the world today.

Friday morning two of our team members went to a school in Tammisaari to hold interactive workshops about racism.

On our training session on Friday we had a feedback about this week as a whole and we are proud of what we have done to contribute to a society with less racism in it!

And we sincerely hope that something like this will become a yearly event that becoming Bachelor of Humanities develop into something bigger.

with alot of love from Dalle

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