5.6-7.6 är det dags för Culture Crash i Raseborg.
Evenemanget riktar sig till ungdomar i 13 års ålder uppåt och är i workshopsformat.
Det går ut på att ungdomarna väljer en workshop som de jobbar intensivt med i 3 dagars tid som dras av professionella handledare som har anknytning till Raseborg.
Deltagaravgiften för detta evenemang kommer att vara 30 euro/pers. Där ingår Lunch alla tre dagar, busstransport från Karis-Ekenäs och tillbaka alla evenemangs dagar och eventuellt en t-skjorta med evenemangets logo på. Under Fredag kvällen kommer vi att avsluta hela evenemanget med en Fest där deltagarna får visa upp vad de lärt sig och umgås tillsammans.
Projektgruppen består av Ian Granström från Anl. Noving, Elin Sundell från team React och vi samarbetar även med olika ungdomsorganisationer och kulturarbetare från Raseborg.
Vår samarbetsgrupp består av Anna Packalén, Otto Metsämäki,
Melinda Lönnberg, Sara Avdi och Andreas Kåll.
Vi samarbetar även med Raseborgs ungdomsfullmäktige och kulturbyrån i Raseborg.
Vi erbjuder olika workshops för deltagarna
Bland annat:
Poetry slam
Vi ordnar detta evenemang för att erbjuda ungdomar i Raseborg ett tillfälle att testa på olika aktiviteter som inte är så kända bland de unga i kommunen just nu. Även att synliggöra den kunskap och de kompetenser som våra workshop dragare har.Vi har även en vision av att ordna detta projekt som ett kontinuerligt evenemang i kommunen. Vi tycker att det är viktigt att satsa på verksamhet för ungdomarna i vår kommun.
Vi håller som bäst på att pussla ihop ett program som lockar så många ungdomar som möjligt och har även fullt upp med marknadsföringen och kontaktar eventuella sponsorer för detta projekt.
Kontakta oss gärna ifall ni har eventuella frågor eller ideér.
Vi tar emot alla idéer och hjälp vi får.
Sofia Haglund
tisdag 12 mars 2013
söndag 10 mars 2013
WAR Novia, Roparnäs
Hello guys,
The title WAR, is not a war between the campuses in Novia, no. It is for Week Against Racism.
A little about the week itself. Ofcourse as the name says, it's against racism and this week is mostly noticed by Red Cross. So our team wanted to make projects during this week, to make a point about it - about what racism and what discrimination is and also make it a yearly event. There are many in our team that are going to do projects around the subject this week, but you can read about that week 12, when the week falls on :)
I wanted to cooperate with the campus in Roparnäs. I know that they are speaking English there, since the Nursing students are a multicultural group, with students from Africa, Asia and actually not that many from Finland.
The project group- Minerva, Julia, Veronika and Martin and me, had a brainstorming about it and decided that the project's content will be communication, human rights and project work and teambuilding :)
They are having a course in Project work and teambuilding in their studies, so what could be better than us teaching them, since it's our daily studies. They are doing their project to the International Nurses day, in May and we are going to work as their coaches.
The title WAR, is not a war between the campuses in Novia, no. It is for Week Against Racism.
A little about the week itself. Ofcourse as the name says, it's against racism and this week is mostly noticed by Red Cross. So our team wanted to make projects during this week, to make a point about it - about what racism and what discrimination is and also make it a yearly event. There are many in our team that are going to do projects around the subject this week, but you can read about that week 12, when the week falls on :)
I wanted to cooperate with the campus in Roparnäs. I know that they are speaking English there, since the Nursing students are a multicultural group, with students from Africa, Asia and actually not that many from Finland.
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Brainstorming to the project |
They are having a course in Project work and teambuilding in their studies, so what could be better than us teaching them, since it's our daily studies. They are doing their project to the International Nurses day, in May and we are going to work as their coaches.
We will go there week 13, Monday and Tuesday. And as a jackpot, we're also going to Korsholms gymnasium at Wednesday and have a workshop with them about communication and human rights :)
I am happy for this project and I am lucky to have this project group with me, and I am greatful to be a part of Noving.
Have a nice week
Have a nice week
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